Cryoskin is a non-invasive slimming technology introduced to the US market in 2017. Since then, Cryoskin has been administered hundreds of thousands of times and without a single report of PAH or any other serious adverse effects. Cryoskin is applied using a massage technique in which the technician creates folds in the skin to cool the subcutaneous fat cells via contact with a cold massaging wand, and there is no mechanized vacuum or suction.


CryoSlimming® uses cold temperatures to slim your body. When diet and exercise aren’t enough, Cryoskin will help you achieve the look you’ve been striving for.

The CryoSlimming is a localized fat loss treatment which naturally passes fat debris from the body via the lymphatic system. This session is the ideal choice for anyone looking to lose inches or deal with stubborn pockets of fat that do not improve with diet and exercise alone

With CryoToning®, there’s finally a real, non-invasive solution to help you to smooth your skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite